About Us

About Us

Our Company

A team of qualified Engineers (that’s what our academia says) who have stepped up as entrepreneurs because we believe the work is more important than the job. This would be it if we haven’t met in person however our reputation has a lot to offer about us, in our field and off it too. We just don’t provide a level of satisfaction but offer ‘Value for Money’ and building long-term relationships with the customer. Since the inception (April 2010) we have been providing services to the Education, Media, Automobile, Hospitality, Infrastructure and various other sectors. “Delivering Certainty” has been our motto and building relationship with our clients has been our USP.

ICAN InfoSoft

Our Core Values


Winning for Customers, Associates and Stakeholders – Our culture is driven by our zest to win. We drive value in everything that we do to ensure our clients win. Our meritocratic culture focuses on employee training creates a win-win situation for all.

Testing As a Service

Robust quality assurance is essential to drive seamless and intuitive customer experience. Here is where Techment’s product testing acumen, talented & experienced engineers, streamlined processes and digital transformation experience comes handy.

Commitment to

We truly believe in our commitment to clients’ and go above and beyond to uphold them. Be it release time for a critical update, innovative product features or just turning up for a meeting on time, our team proactively delivers on every commitment.


Integrity is at the core of everything we do at Techment. Our business model is built on a transparent and open culture which is secured with stringent processes and policies that uphold integrity across the organization while imbibing it in our people as well.